Lower Back Chill 103 Fever, Sore Throat, Mild Cough, Chills, Lower Back Pain...what Could It Be?

103 fever, sore throat, mild cough, chills, lower back pain...what could it be? - lower back chill


Yesterday I woke with a sore throat loud enough, and it was getting worse until gone midday today, but today (9 clock) almost. I have a wet cough and hoarseness, and gentle. This morning I had a slight fever (under 99) and now stands at 9 hours 103rd I also had some back pain today, and chills (feeling hot / cold / hot / cold).

Any idea what might that be? I have not been sick since like elementary school, and I'm 20 years old, and I'm not used to, just like a feeling! Any advice would be very helpful, thank you!


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