What Metal Are The Strips In Security Tags How Are Magnetized Security Features On Items In Stores Disabled By Just Scanning The Barcodes?

How are magnetized security features on items in stores disabled by just scanning the barcodes? - what metal are the strips in security tags

From what I understand, there are those thin strips of metal products in the store security under shop-lifter. If this is how the security features of the elements are inside the gates of the high-frequency detectors at the doors of stores, as these elements are magnetized with disabilities simply by scanning the bar code is detected to be bought?


メランコリー said...

Each strip of metal contains a database (especially a kind of serial number, the induced magnetic patterns stored).

And when examining the data from the tape material is again the team cashier connected to a network, and change elements of the database so that the reserve will be marked as paid for a record or bought.

If you are taken into account by the detector gate of high-frequency waves, which is produced by the door, walk through the magnet as the data contained therein (the reflected wave some kind of configuration). The serial number of the item will be identified by the sensor door. A computer, then the basis of sensor data gateway is to store, to see if the problem was purchased with the serial number or not. If you have purchased, be calm. Otherwise, it will sound.

Hope this helps:)

Synful Visions said...

As part of the scanner hides a very strong magnetic pad.

That's what the warning to keep credit out of it.

Anonymous said...


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